Antoine Kazan

Lawyer, writer and man of thought, Kazan produced criticism and creative studies reflecting his scientific and thoughtful approach and his vivid style. He organized literature festivals at the UNESCO Palace, where he was a lecturer, literary critic, and innovator, and where he presented the biography and works of several writers and poets. Kazan dated a historical period of Lebanese innovation and originality, he gave valuable conferences at the “Cénacle Libanais”, the American University of Beirut, the Saint Joseph University, and the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, from which the most important conference was the one about Al Imâm Al Ouwzâ’î and his influence on the foundation of the Lebanese nationalism. On the legal side, Kazan produced a large number of studies and delivered conferences, particularly those given at the French Institute of Law where he elaborated his vision on the establishment of a ‘’Supreme Council to try Presidents and Ministers’’.


His style was imprinted by a solid intrigue and a unique ability of choosing the right word and contextualizing it. His speeches were disguised by a seductive music which preserves its splendor when written on paper, whereas in his critic writings, Kazan remained the lawyer who defends from one side, and attacks from the other, measuring his words in the balance of justice and equity.


From his prose works: ‘’Literature and Writers’’, ‘’Studies on Literature and Life’’, ‘’In the Immensity of Thought’’, ‘’The Joy of Knowledge’’. He wrote only one poetry collection entitled ‘’Poetry’’. He published a series of Law researches and studies, in addition to the translation of Montesquieu’s master-piece ‘’ The Spirit of Laws’’ from French to Arabic, produced jointly with Dr. Adel ZEAITIR.


A statue has been erected in his memory at the entrance of the Old Souk, unveiled in 1995



1927: Birth of Kazan on the 5th of August in Zouk Mikael.

1931: Kazan entered College Saint Joseph – Aintoura.

1945: Kazan graduated from College Saint Joseph – Aintoura.

1948: Kazan took his oath at the Faculty of Law at Saint Joseph University of Beirut.

1951: Kazan got affiliated to the Bar Association of Beirut.

1969: Kazan’s poetry collection entitled ‘’Poetry’’ was published.

1970: Kazan received the National Order of the Cedar.

1973: Death of Kazan on the 10th of March.

1973: Kazan received the Lebanese Golden Order of Merit.